Monday, November 30, 2009


You will find as many styles of Medical Intuitives as you will find people on the face of the Earth. Each one will have a different definition, style and conceptual framework for what they do. Some are doing a psychic reading, others are channelling the information directly from a third party in the form of a Guide, others may be sensing energy blockages within the body and using pre-established "maps" to interpret the information while others get full details directly from the body itself.
Currently there is a governing body for Medical Intuitives( As such, you need have a full understanding of the individual Practitioner you are seeking to work with.
It is important to ask questions such as: how do they do their work; where are they receiving their information from; what is their professional background or training; how is their accuracy in determining problem spots in the body; do they have a reference list; are they available for follow up work and do they have a referral list of other healing professionals. Medical Intuition is not a psychic reading . It is a practical skill set of paying close attention to the client's energetic field.
The Medical Intuitive is not the expert on you. You are the expert on you and your body knows a great deal. The expertise of a good Medical Intuitive is in paying attention to your body and facilitating dialogue between your physical body and yourself. It is not their role to offer suggestions about what they know or have heard of to "fix" you.
Do not hesitate to ask questions so that you can feel comfortable with the person you choose to work with. Be wise. Trust yourself and follow your own instincts. If we are to make any progress in the field of healing with the support of Energy Medicine, Intuition and using Medical Intuition as an addition tool for seeing what is going on inside, you will also need to use your inner instincts to find the right Practitioner for you

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