Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Why Use A Medical Intuitive?

A Medical Intuitive Scan should be used by everyone with:

a). A serious health challenge.
b). A desire to be truly healthy.
c). Wants to lose weight now.
d). Is tired, fatigued, lacks energy.

Competent medical intuition is the single greatest and most definitive diagnostic system available on the planet today.

The cause of all illnesses and imbalances start at deep levels with human beings. The diagnostic equipment of modern and alternative medicine simply can not penetrate to the causal levels in human beings. A good intuitive can 'go there' and get the answers.

Unfortunately, the use of an intuitive to get healing or medical information is still considered 'far out' even by people within alternative medicine. As you might imagine, in 'modern medicine', a medical intuitive would be laughed out of 99.95% of all hospitals or clinics.

Do not let this detour you.

Sadly, this uninformed point-of-view limits the health professionals' ability to fully assist their patients or clients. This closed minded stance eliminates an incredibly viable tool that could be used with great efficacy to treat and care for all patients. Fortunately, as we move into the 21st Century, a few open minded medical doctors and other health professionals are beginning to use and benefit from the use of medical intuition!

I urge you to discount the 'conventional wisdom' in regards to medical intuition, traditional knowing and self-healing; you would be wise to fully explore this avenue of alternative medicine and natural healing.
Check it out for yourself and determine IF it can be of use to you.
Don't let closed mindedness limit your possibilities and options.

My motto is simple, "If it works, use it?"

Use all available options to maintain health.

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